Doobie Brothers legend Michael McDonald has announced his live online “Home Alone: A Special Solo Concert” for September 30th at 8 p.m. McDonald will perform songs from his time with the Doobies, as well as his solo career — along with select cover songs.
Tickets run $20 and are available for purchase here:
Michael McDonald who joined the Doobie Brothers just in time for their massive 1976 set Takin' It To The Streets, and has always remained humbled by his fame and grateful for both his and the Doobies' longevity: “To be an artist of the '70s more or less and being out here doing these things — y'know, I spent a lot of years at Warners, I just feel really lucky to have been an artist at Warners during the '70s and the '80s. But you get that feeling over the years that your time is kinda — in terms of being a hot contemporary entity — (laughs) there's only so much you can ask for at this point, y'know?”